More Information
The Independent Access Provider site is currently available to retailers who wish to issue Tidal Waters Sport Fishing Licences online.
Please contact the Pacific Fishery Licence Unit at: or 1-877-535-7307 if you would like more information on becoming a Independent Access Provider.
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Below is a list of commonly asked questions, if you have additional question that have not been answered please contact Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
- Q1. Why is DFO planning to implement the issuance of recreational licences over the internet?
- Q2. How do internet sales systems improve services for anglers?
- Q3. Will the current vendor system be replaced by the new internet sales site?
- Q4. Will there be a fee to use DFO's Internet recreational licence site.
- Q5. What if an angler wants to go salmon fishing- how are salmon conservation stamps issued through internet licencing?
- Q6. Will both residents and non-residents still be allowed to acquire tidal sport licences over the internet or through a vendor?
- Q7. Will I still get my $1.00 commission if I choose to vend licences via the Internet?
- Q8. When will DFO's Internet recreational licence sales site be available?
- Q9. Who can I contact if I have more questions on this initiative?
- Q1. Why is DFO planning to implement the issuance of recreational licences over the internet?
By expanding the on-line licensing system to vendors, the system will allow DFO to improve access to angler information, assist in development of catch reporting tools and account for revenue in a timely manner.
- Q2. How do internet sales systems improve services for anglers?
Anglers or vendors will be able to apply for a Tidal Waters Sport Fish Licence over the internet in half the time it took in 2007. With a credit card anglers will be able to purchase and immediately print, and use their sport licence. As an independent access provider you will be able to issue licences to repeat clients quicker, run electronic reports, streamline the licence issuing process by eliminating the requirement to submit carbon copies and paper reports.
- Q3. Will the current vendor system be replaced by the new internet sales site?
Yes, the goal is to improve the management of Tidal Waters Sport Fish Licence information. Having all licences issued on-line will allow licence information management goals to be met and allow future initiatives such as catch reporting, demographic surveys and reporting to be implemented.
- Q4. Will there be a fee to use DFO's Internet recreational licence site.
No, DFO will not charge anglers any additional fees if they chose to buy their recreational Tidal Waters Sport Fish Licence over the internet. As an independent access provider you may choose to charge a fee to assist in covering the costs of maintaining the computer and internet access. If an angler chooses not to pay the independent access provider an internet usage fee, anglers may still access our site through other available public locations such as a library, community centre, Service Canada offices, etc.
- Q5. What if an angler wants to go salmon fishing- how are salmon conservation stamps issued through internet licencing?
The stamp will be an option on the web menu. If an angler elects to obtain a salmon conservation stamp, the current year stamp image will be superimposed on the licence copy.
- Q6. Will both residents and non-residents still be allowed to acquire tidal sport licences over the internet or through a vendor?
Yes, both residents and non-resident may still acquire their licences on-line or through an independent access provider portal. However, it is important to know that non-residents purchasing a licence on line at home will be prohibited from fishing for halibut in Areas 23, 121 and 123. This prohibition will not apply to non-residents who purchase a licence from an authorized vendor. Non-residents will still be required to pay non-resident rates, as they do with the existing paper based point-of-sale system.
- Q7. Will I still get my $1.00 commission if I choose to vend licences via the Internet?
No. There will be no commission for the issuance of electronic licences to anglers. You may choose to charge a computer usage/service fee to your client. It is your choice whether, or not to charge a fee. Most web cafes charge a minimum fee to use a computer terminal. Using the automated process to issue recreational fishing licences and reconciling revenue will become faster over time.
- Q8. When will DFO's Internet recreational licence sales site be available?
The site is already available for anglers to purchase their recreational licences. It is anticipated that all independent access providers could be using the on-line independent access provider system for the 2014-2015 fishing season.
- Q9. Who can I contact if I have more questions on this initiative?
Pacific Region General Inquiries
Telephone: 1-877-535-7307